GSE Profession

Induction Pack

Glossary / Jargon Buster

This page provides access to the Glossary / Jargon Buster that forms part of the GSE Induction Pack. We have designed this table to make it easy for new members to look up terms and phrases they might not have heard before joining the Profession. This table should help members, both new and old, navigate the terms, acronyms, and jargon frequently used in the GSE Profession. This will make the Profession more accessible and reduce the challenges faced by new members when joining.

For general terms that are used outside of the GSE Profession, please use the Civil Service Acronym Buster, which can be accessed here.

To use the Glossary / Jargon Buster, you can either scroll the table, or you can use the search bar below. Results are filtered automatically whilst you type.

About the Induction Pack

The GSE Induction Pack is designed to help new and existing members get the most out of being a GSE Member. It provides members with useful tools, makes them aware of the communities you can join, explains key terms, provides details on who to contact for scientific and engineering expertise, and helps you to become more involved.

Word / Term Definition
GOS / GO-Science Government Office for Science
GSE Government Science & Engineering
GSEP Government Science & Engineering Profession
GSEPT Government Science & Engineering Profession Team
Profession Profession (capitalised) refers to the GSE Profession in this context, but other government professions exist
Deputy HoSEP(s)
Head(s) of Science and Engineering Profession
Deputy Head(s) of Science and Engineering Profession
GCSA Government Chief Scientific Advisor - currently Sir Patrick Vallance
Deputy CSA(s)
Chief Scientific Advisor(s)
Deputy Chief Scientific Advisor(s)
CS Civil Service / Servant
SCS Senior Civil Service / Servant
S&E Science & Engineering
SR21/SR 2021
Strategy Refresh or Spending Review
2021 Strategy Refresh (accessible here)
STEM Secondary School Challenge
Science Technology Engineering and Maths
Science Technology Engineering and Maths Secondary School Challenge is an outreach programme, you can find out more here.
Cross/Across Government
Across Her Majesties Government
XWH / X-WH Cross/Across Whitehall
GDPR General Data Protection Regulation
Science Advisory Council
Group Evidence Science and Analysis Committee
IP / IPO Intellectual Property / Intellectual Property Office
D&I Diversity and Inclusion
DIAG Diversity and Inclusion Action Group
DIAG-WWG Diversity and Inclusion Action Group – Women’s Working Group
DIAG-EMWG Diversity and Inclusion Action Group – Ethnic Minority Working Group
DIAG-DWG Diversity and Inclusion Action Group – Disability Working Group
DIAG-SMWG Diversity and Inclusion Action Group – Social Mobility Working Group
L&D Learning and Development
SAT Skills Assessment Tool which can be registered for here and accessed here.
S&T Science and Technology
S&E Science and Engineering
Porosity A term used to reflect the Government Reform goal to increase the diverse interchange routes to enter government, e.g. inward/outward secondments
LPG Learning Platform for Government
RSB Royal Society of Biology
RSC Royal Society of Chemistry
IoP Institute of Physics
IET Institute of Engineering and Technology
ICE Institute of Civil Engineering
IMechE Institute of Mechanical Engineering
IChemE Institute of Chemical Engineering
BCS British Computer Society
IMA Institute of Mathematics and its Applications
9BG 9 Box Grid for talent/career conversations
CSADS Civil Service Accelerated Development Schemes
FLS Future Leaders Scheme
SLS Senior Leaders Scheme
META Minority Ethnic Talent Association
DELTA Disability Empowers Leadership Talent
HPDS High Potential Development Scheme
IDP Individual Development Programme
TM Talent Management
WIG Whitehall Industry Group
DAS Direct Appointment Scheme
SEFS Science & Engineering Fast Stream
Civil Service Fast Stream
Fast Stream
FSer Fast Streamer

The participants enrolled in the CSFS.
FSBs Final Selection Boards
FSAC Fast Stream Assessment Centre
MPR Mid Posting Review

A formal light touch review held at the middle point of a year-long posting (i.e. at the six-month mark). Six-month postings don’t have an MPR.
EPR End Posting Review

The formal performance review held at the end of each FS posting. The objectives agreed between FSer, TDM, and AM at the beginning of the posting are evaluated here.
DTA Development Trajectory Assessment

The mid scheme assessment (undertaken by SEFS FSers at the end of their second posting). It is designed to assess a FSer’s current performance progress in advance of the FSA.
FSA Final Scheme Assessment

The final assessment all FSers undertake to determine whether they have successfully completed the CSFS.
FS S&T Network
Fast Stream Science & Technology Network

Established in March 2020, it is a science, technology, and engineering-based community with over 150 members, ran by Fast Streamers for Fast Streamers. More details can be found here. You can sign up to their mailing list here and get in contact via their network mailbox.
TDM Talent Development Manager

A FSer’s Fast Stream manager based in the Cabinet Office. A TDM is responsible for pastoral care and is the primary contact for a FSer on anything related to CSFS. A TDM stays with a FSer throughout their time on the programme.
AM Activity Manager

The day-to-day line manager who has direct oversight of the FSer during their posting. The AM works for the host department or organisation receiving a FSer. A FSer gets a new AM for each posting undertaken.
Comms Communications
Blog The GSE’s blog, which can be accessed here.
GOV.UK The GSE’s page, which can be accessed here.
KH Knowledge Hub
NL Newsletter
PN Press Notice
Social Social Media – such as Twitter, LinkedIn
IC Internal Communications
EA External Affairs
STAR Situation, Task, Actions, Result
OASIS Objective, Audience, Strategy, Implementation, Scoring
CTA Call to Action
KPI Key Performance Indicator
PR Public Relations